Mini Mages
A 4-player party game adventure using an iPad as the play space and 4 iOS devices as controllers.
Our client tasked us with the goal of creating an iPad game that uses four iPhones/iPods as controllers to demonstrate the capabilities of such a networked game. We built three minigames that pitched the four players together competitively.
Summon is a rock-paper-scissors type game with 4 players vs AI, with players eliminated until one person stands.
Potions is similar to the old game, Simon. Ingredients appear in a certain order in the crystal ball and players must touch and perform a "pouring" motion for each of the ingredients in the correct order.
Battle Dragons is a top-down shooter with each of the 4 players controlling a dragon using their phone's accelerometer.
- Art direction
- Game design
- Group brainstorming
- Concept art
- Character design and art
- UI design and art
- Romp Interactive, client
- Wes Anderson
- Joe Maliksi
- Robert Spessard
- Ali Wallick